The re-Treat Project

Reconnect with Your True Self, Reflect on Your Leadership Journey, and Recharge Your Spirit in a Tranquil European Haven.

The next re-Treat is being planned for October 2024 somewhere in southern Europe

At The Re-Treat, we believe in the power of stepping back to leap forward. We are a community of founders, CEOs and executives. Created from our own need to find balance and clarity amidst the relentless pace of leadership, this re-Treat is our answer to the quest for deeper, more meaningful success.

Why We Do This

As seasoned entrepreneurs, we've experienced firsthand the highs and lows of leading ventures. We understand the isolation that can come with top-tier leadership roles and the immense pressure to perform and innovate consistently. This understanding fuels our passion to craft a sanctuary where leaders like you can rejuvenate, reflect, and reconnect with your purpose.

Embrace this unique opportunity to enhance your leadership journey in a setting that combines relaxation with revitalization, surrounded by peers who are eager to grow and learn just as you are. At The Re-Treat, we don’t just take a break—we make a breakthrough.

Our Mission

We want to empower founders, CEOs and executives by providing a space where you can escape the daily grind, gain fresh perspectives, and return to your companies energised and inspired. Here at The Re-Treat, we facilitate structured strategic sessions and open, candid discussions all in the lap of serene, natural beauty.

We aim to help you uncover new insights about yourself and your business while forging bonds with other visionary leaders who share similar challenges and ambitions.

The re-Treat Experience

Before the re-Treat, participants will complete profiling questions and surveys to ensure a tailored and personalized experience. This step allows the facilitators to understand your unique needs and goals, enabling them to craft a meaningful and impactful program.

Day One:

Arrival and Acclimation

Your journey at The Re-Treat begins with your arrival in our serene, off-grid sanctuary, where the stress of the city fades into the tranquillity of nature. As you settle into the comfortable, shared accommodations, the first day is designed to ease you into the re-Treat atmosphere. You'll meet other visionary leaders, each selected to ensure a harmonious blend of perspectives and experiences. The evening is an opportunity to unwind and bond, setting the stage for open, meaningful dialogues that inspire and invigorate.

Day Two:

Deep Dive into Personal and Professional Growth

With minds refreshed and connections forged, the second day delves deeper into the core of leadership challenges and opportunities. Throughout this day, the focus is on introspective growth and strategic thinking. In an environment that encourages both solitude and interaction, you’ll explore various aspects of leadership and personal development. The seamless integration of relaxation and reflection provides a unique blend of rejuvenation and insightful learning, helping you to uncover new ways to approach both life and leadership.

Day Three:

Integration and Farewell

The final day of The Re-Treat is about reflection and preparation for re-entry into your daily life, equipped with new perspectives and renewed energy. This day consolidates the insights and strategies from the previous sessions, ensuring you have actionable plans and a clear mind. As you prepare to depart, the re-Treat closes with a sense of communal achievement and personal advancement, leaving you not only refreshed but also realigned with your leadership and life goals.

Why Attend "The re-Treat"?

In the relentless pursuit of success, the most visionary leaders often overlook a critical element—their own growth and well-being. The Re-Treat is designed exclusively for founders, CEOs and executives who are ready to step back from the daily demands of leadership to rediscover, rejuvenate, and redefine their approach to both life and business.

Why should you attend? Because you are at the forefront of your company's future, and the path to sustainable success is through strategic growth and personal well-being. This three-day, off-grid re-Treat is more than an escape; it’s a deep dive into the transformative practices that can revitalize your leadership and infuse your operations with fresh insights and renewed energy.

Join a select group of like-minded leaders in a serene, inspiring setting where every detail is crafted to foster an atmosphere of productive reflection and strategic clarity. At The re-Treat, you will engage in thought-provoking workshops, form meaningful connections with peers facing similar challenges, and develop strategies that reflect your highest aspirations as a leader.

Embrace this opportunity to step away, slow down, and sync up with what truly drives your success.

A Journey of Discovery and Renewal

Join us for a journey that refreshes your leadership and renews your spirit. At The re-Treat, you will:

  • Boost Personal Well-being: Leave recharged, both mentally and physically, ready to tackle leadership challenges with renewed vigor.

  • Expand Your Network: Connect with fellow leaders in meaningful ways, building relationships that extend beyond the re-Treat.

  • Develop Actionable Strategies: Apply what you learn directly to improve team dynamics and drive organisational success.

  • Feel a Sense of Community: Join a community of leaders who share your challenges and aspirations.

  • Increase Self-awareness: Deepen your understanding of your strengths and areas for growth, empowering your leadership journey.

The Re-Treat is an investment in your professional path and personal growth, crafted to provide lasting benefits and a profound sense of renewed purpose.

Join Us at The Re-Treat

Rediscover your purpose, redefine your strategies, and reconnect with fellow visionaries. Choose to invest in yourself and your leadership journey at The Re-Treat—where leaders evolve and futures are forged. Spots are limited to maintaining intimacy and depth, so secure your place today and transform tomorrow.

Unlock Potential

Step away from the daily grind and immerse yourself in an environment meticulously designed to unlock your potential as a founder and leader. The re-Treat offers a dynamic blend of reflective practices, strategic workshops, and engaging discussions tailored to elevate your leadership capabilities.

Connect Deeply

Forge lasting connections with peers who understand your journey. Our re-Treat is exclusively for founders, CEOs and executives, ensuring every conversation you have is relevant and enriching. This shared experience fosters a unique 'tribe' atmosphere, encouraging deep personal and professional bonds.

Rejuvenate Your Mind and Body

Beyond professional growth, your well-being is paramount. Participate in activities that nourish your body, relax your mind, and energise your spirit. From shared cooking experiences by the fire to morning wellness activities like hiking or swimming, every aspect of The Re-Treat is designed to restore your optimal self.

Personalized Insights

Before you arrive, we engage with you through profiling questions to tailor the re-Treat experience to your specific leadership style and personal aspirations. This customisation ensures that your re-Treat experience is as relevant and impactful as possible.

Revitalise Your Strategy

Dive into strategic sessions focusing on critical areas such as mindset reframing, psychological safety, and leadership culture. Our carefully curated agenda includes discussions on how to recognize and cultivate your team’s strengths, delegate effectively, and implement changes that foster a resilient, thriving company culture.

Ongoing Engagement

The Re-Treat experience extends beyond the physical event. With follow-ups immediately after and 30, 60, 90 days post-retreat, you receive continued support and insights, helping you implement what you've learned and measure your progress.

Inspiring Environment

Situated in a serene, off-grid location, our re-Treat offers the perfect backdrop for disconnecting and recharging. The natural surroundings not only enhance your experience but also contribute to deep work and reflection.

We take care of Everything

Your stay includes luxurious accommodations, gourmet food and drink, and access to all re-Treat activities. Focus solely on your growth and networking; we handle the rest.

Hosted by

  • Irene Fotiou

    As a dedicated CBT psychotherapist, Eirini combines clinical expertise with corporate experience, addressing stress, burnout, and the importance of cultural fit. A MSc in Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and corporate insights help foster growth mindsets, enhance workplace mental health, and boost productivity.

  • Laura Tejada

    Laura is a seasoned leader in people, culture, and growth. She excels in scale-up strategy, talent attraction, employee experience, executive coaching, and wellbeing initiatives. With a background in tech, including Microsoft, she drives success in fast-growth environments, fostering a positive and growth-oriented leadership style.

  • James Varga

    A relentless founder, James is a relentless founder that thrives on solving wicked problems working within Tribes. James is now focused on supporting emerging companies while building meaningful connections and contributing to a community that thrives on innovation and collective success.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey with like-minded leaders? If you're interested in joining us for an upcoming re-Treat, we would love to hear from you.

At The re-Treat, every conversation begins with understanding your unique aspirations and challenges. Please feel free to reach out to explore how this experience can be a pivotal part of your leadership journey. Whether you have questions or are ready to reserve your spot, our team is here to provide all the information you need.

Contact us today to start your transformation.

Join a community of leaders who are redefining success and rediscovering their passion. We’re just a message away—let us help you take the first step toward a profound and impactful experience.

Interested in joining us at the re-Treat?